romanian Bucov Emilian (scriitor)
english Bucov Emilian (writer) translated by: Ţurcan Nicu - nepotul lui A.Lupan
russian Буков Емилиан (писатель)

Bucov Emilian - writer
Bucov Emilian (8.VIII.1909, Chilia Noua, Odesa - 17.X.1984, Chisinau), poet. Has studied in Chisinau and in the Bucharest University(1931-1936). Chief–editor of revues “Scinteia leninista” and “Nistru”. Chairman of Administration Committee of MSSR Writers Union. Begin his writer activity in 30’s, collaborating with “Bluze albastre”, “Cuvintul liber”, “Societatea de maine”, “Adevarul literar si artistic” revues. The collections “The work tumult”(1936), “The sun speech”(1937), “China”(1938) includes a militant poetry, full of civic pathos. After the War writes over 100 books, selecting them in 5 volumes “Writings” (1970-1973).
Author of many collections for children: “Andriesh”(1946), “Speaking to children”(1953), “Story with four banshees”(1972) etc.
Translate works of A.Pushkin, T.Shevcenko, M.Gorki, V.Maiakovski etc.

updated: 2006-03-31 19:24:56