romanian Beniuc Mihai (scriitor şi psiholog român)
english Beniuc Mihai (Romanian writer and psychologist) translated by: Ţurcan Nicu - nepotul lui A.Lupan
russian Бенюк Михай (румынский писатель и психолог)

Beniuc Mihai - Romanian writer and psychologist
Beniuc Mihai (1907-1988, born in Sebish, Arad), Romanian writer and psychologist. Academician (1955), professor in Bucharest. Has cultivated in his poetry (“Perdition songs”, “The apple tree at the road”, “Matter and dreams”, “The autumnal colors”, “The night patrol”) a direct lyrism, energical expression… or meditates about old age and life (“Elegies”, “Twilights”). Works in zoopsychology (“The animal psychology”).
completat: 2006-03-28 18:58:12