romanian Potoţki Grigorii (sculptor, pictor) translated by: Ţurcan Nicu - nepotul lui A.Lupan
english Pototsky Gregory (sculptor, painter)
russian Потоцкий Григорий (скульптор, художник)

Pototsky Gregory - sculptor, painter

Painter & Sculptor

Gregory Pototsky was born in 1954 in Kurgan region. In 1977 he graduated from the State Institute of arts in Odessa (faculty of a sculpture), in 1986 he graduated from the Chisinau State University (historical faculty).
Mister Potosky is a member of the International Academy of Informatisation, member-correspondent of the Pedagogical academy, member of the international union of artists at UNESCO, member of the Union of artists of the USSR. Since 1985, the sculptor and artist participated in more than 100 personal Russian and foreign exhibitions.
The sculptor has created a gallery of bronze portraits of outstanding contemporary figures: I.Smoktunovsky, A.Mihajlov, N.Andrejchenko, L.Durov, V.Steklov, J.Kuklatchev, writers: A.Solzhenitsin, A.Kim, B.Pilnjak, A.Platonov, V.Kurbatov, the patriarch of Georgia Ilya II, the spiritual leader of all Mongols Bogdogegen IX, academicians V.Alferov, V.Skvirsky, J.Kurazhkovsky, the traveller F.Konjuhov, the count P.P.Sheremetev, to name just these few.

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Chief and member of the jury at the International photoforum in Riga, Latvia
presentation of the cultural project: a monument " Gratitude to America. America-Victory " in Chicago, the USA
Donation of a monument to A.S.Pushkin to the city of Minsk, Belarus

Inauguration of gallery of Gregory Pototsky in Riga,Latvia
Сelebration of a city holiday " Day of kindness " in Moscow
Inauguration of a monument to the fallen defenders of the Native land in Moscow
Strumica, Macedonia, Inauguration of a monument "Macedonia"
Skopje, Macedonia, Inauguration of a monument " Requiem to victims of a genocide"
Gregory Pototsky donated to the MGIMO, a monument to the Nobel laureat and arabian writer, Naguib Mahfuz, and also a monument to A.M.Gorchakov
Inauguration of a monument for A.P.Chekhov in a Nice, France (museum Acropolis)

Inauguration of a monument for "Uly Harryton", Moscow
Inauguration of the "LOVE" monument, Moscow
Inauguration of the "Japanese Saint-Nicholas" in Tokyo, Japana
Inauguration of the monument to "Turgeniev & Viardo" in Moscow
Inauguration of the monument to "Lafkadio Hern" in Tokyo, Japan
Master Class givent ot the students of the Sundai Gaicun Art school in Tokyo, Japan
Inauguration of the monument to "A.Tchekov" in Tokyo, Japan
Inauguration of the monument to poet "Polejayev" in Mordovia, Russia
Inauguration of the monument to "A. Pushkin & E.Nelligan" in Quebec City, Canada
Organiser of the "Day of kindness" event in Moscow
Gregory Pototsky was granted and audience with his Holyness the Dalai-Lama and was allowed to create his portrait, Dharamsala, India

on May 30th, on behalf of the government of Canada, for the 300 years anniversary of Saint-Petersburg he inaugurated the bust of the poet Emile Nelligan (height, 2,8 meters, in bronze & granit). At the opening were present, the Prime minister of Canada, the Honorable Jean Chrétien, and the governor of Saint Petersburg, V.Jakovlev, as well as representatives of the ministry of culture.
the monument “Mother of God” (height, 3.2 meters, in bronze & granit) was inaugurated in Sofia, Bulgaria. It was created for the 125 years of the liberation of the Bulgarian people from the Osmanian dictature. The opening became a symbol of Russian-Bulgarian “raprochement”. On the opening ceremony were present, the mayor of Moscow J.M.Luzhkov and the mayor of Sofia V.Sofijanski, as well as representatives of there patriarchy.

June 24th. the governor of Saint-Petersburg V.Jakovlev on behalf of Saint-Petersburg handed over to the mayor of Quebec City (Canada), the bronze busts of the great poets: Alexandre Pushkin and Emile Nelligan.

in Turkey, he inaugurated the “Monument to Peace” (height, 6 meters, in marble & wood), as a prediction monument. The composition of the monument precisely reflects the twin-towers in New York. This monument became the main object for the film, which was made in the same year.
in Demre, (Turkey) he inaugurated the monument “The Source” (height, 4 meters, in marble)

celebrating the birth of Christ, he inaugurated in Turkey the monument to “Saint-Nicholas” (height, 6 meters, in bronze & marble), one of the brightest representatives of Christianity. The monument was established on the central square of Demre. Were present at this solemn ceremony, the heads of the Turkish government , representatives from 50 countries around the world, spiritual leaders of all religious faiths, and representatives of the Moscow Patriarchy.
on behalf of the government of Slovenia and the Friends of Preshern Association president, Just Rugel, as a gift to Moscow, he inaugurated the bust to “Sigizmund Gerbershtein” (height, 1.8 meters, in bronze & granit). It is the first and unique monument to this great European; a diplomat, statesman and writer, who opened Russia to Europe in the XVIth. century. (see author notes about Moskovia)

In May, 15 in Kolomna, celebrating the 300 years of the Russian naval fleet city, he inaugurated the monument to apostle “Andrey Pervozvannov”, the patron saint of the Russian fleet. (height, 2.5 meters, in bronze & granit). Were present, admirals and rear admirals of fleet.
It was the first monument to this apostle in Russia.

when the last Russian soldier left Germany, he inaugurated in Hemmer the monument to “A.S Pushkin” (height, 2.8 meters, in bronze & granit), a mark of rapproachement of cultures and the integrity of the world. At the opening ceremony were present the Hemmer burgmaster, Klaus Burda and the mayor Shchelkovo, N.P. Pashin.
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Gregory Pototsky’s art raises the prestige of Russia and promotes the strengthening of cultural links between countries of the world.

The work of artist is kept in the state art museums of Kishinev, Odessa, Simferopol, in private collections in Russia, Germany, France, Switzerland, Canada, USA, Sweden, Italy, Turkey, Brazil, and Holland.

Films that were made about the artist are: “The wizard from Stariy Arbat”, “The peace maker Mission”. He is also shown on television programs, and articles are published regurlarly about him.


. Personal exhibition of painting to Cincinnati (USA)
. Personal exhibition of painting in Libertyville(USA)
. Personal exhibition of photos of Gregory Pototsky`s monuments
. Personal exhibition in embassy of Rumania, Moscow
. Personal exhibition in museum "Acropolis", Nice, France
. Personal exhibition in Strumica, Macedonia, participation in the art symposium
. Personal exhibition in Geneva (Switzerland)
. Personal exhibition in Riga, Latvia
. Personal exhibition in Geneva, Switzerland.
. Personal exhibition in Riga, Latvia
. Personal exhibition in the gallery “Atrium”, Geneva, Switzerland,
. Personal exhibition in the World trading organization, Switzerland.
. Art salon in the Central House of Artist (Moscow)
. Personal exhibition in Montreal, Quebec, Canada,
. Personal exhibition in Los Angeles, USA.
. Art salon in the Central House of Artist (Moscow)
. Master class in Saint Petersburg
. Personal exhibition in Turkey, Demre. ( organized the art-symposium).
. Art salon in the Central House of Artist (Moscow)
. Art salon in the Central House of Artist (Moscow)
. Art salon in the Central House of Artist (Moscow)
. Personal exhibition in Kolomna.
. Personal exhibition in Germany, Izerlon.
. Personal exhibition. Hammer, Germany,
. Personal exhibition in the House of artists on Kuznetsky most.
. Personal exhibition in Foreign -policy associations (Moscow)
. Personal exhibition. The Central hall of Exhibition (Moscow)
. Personal exhibition in the Oval hall of the Ministry of culture of the USSR
. Personal exhibition in gallery “Persona” (Moscow)
. Personal exhibition in the Central house of workers of arts (Moscow)
. Personal exhibition in embassy of Romania (Moscow)
. Personal “The sculpture-91” (Moscow)
. Personal exhibition of graphic arts in newspaper “Literaturnaja gazeta” (Moscow)
. Personal exhibition “The graphic art-91”(Moscow)
. Autumn exhibition (Kishinev)
. Spring exhibition (Kishinev)
. Romanian exhibition for young artists (Romania)
. Personal exhibition in editorial office of the magazine “Yunost” (Moscow)
. Personal exhibition (Kolomna)
. Personal exhibition in the gallery “Ramenki” (Moscow)
. Personal exhibition, Central House of Artist (Moscow)
. USSR art exhibition “ On the guard of winning of the socialism” (Moscow)
. USSR art exhibition “The artists for the people” (Moscow)
. Personal exhibition (Moscow)
. USSR exhibition of young artists (Moscow)
. USSR art academic exhibition of young artists (Leningrad)
. USSR exhibition of projects of the Memorial “The victims of the Stalin’s repressions” (Moscow)
. International exhibition of the Soviet artists (Kampuchea)
. 10th. Republican art autumn exhibition (Kishinev)
. Republican art exhibition “All authority to Sovet” (Kishinev)

. USSR exhibition of the young artists “The youth of the country” (Moscow)
. USSR art exhibition “ We always are on the alert” (Moscow)
. Republican art exhibition “The sculpture on air” (Kishinev)
. An USSR symposium of sculpture (Urmala)
. Personal exhibition (Kishinev)
. Republican art exhibition devoted to the 70 years-anniversary of October (Kishinev)
. Republican art exhibition devoted to Ten’s congress the Union of artist MSSR (Kishinev)
. USSR art exhibition “We build the communism” (Moscow)
. USSR art exhibition “The Earth and people”( (Moscow)
. 8th. Republican art exhibition (Kishinev)
. Republican art exhibition devoted to the 60th. anniversary of Komsomol of Moldova (Kishinev)
. 8th. USSR art academic exhibition of young artists (Leningrad, Moscow)
. 3rd. Republican exhibition of figure, engravings, water colors (Kishinev)
. Republican art exhibition “The Earth and people”(Kishinev)
. The personal exhibition (Kishinev)
. Republican art exhibition “The youth of the country” (Kishinev)
. 3rd. Republican autumn art exhibition (Kishinev)

. 2nd. Republican exhibition of figure, posters and a water colors (Kishinev)


State art museum of Odessa;
The state art museum of Kishinev;
The state art museum of Simferopol;
Art fund of the Union of artists (Moscow);
In private collections of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Germany, France, USA, Sweden, Italy, Canada, Switzerland, Turkey, Brazil, Holland.

adăugat: 2006-09-15 19:04:54