romanian Cugultinov David (poet calmîc) translated by: Ţurcan Nicu - nepotul lui A.Lupan
english Kugultinov David (Kalmykian poet)
russian Кугультинов Давид (калмыкский поэт)

Kugultinov David - Kalmykian poet
Kugultinov David Nikitich

David Nikitich Kugultinov was born on March 13, 1922 in the village Gahan Abgneri of the Bolshedebbetovski Ulus of Kalmykia.

Being a participant of the Great Patriotic War, in 1944 he was dismissed from the advanced detachment for the belonging to the kalmyk nation, which was exiled to Siberia in December 1943. In a year he was arrested and convicted by the clause 58/10 for the speech defending the kalmyk nation and sent to the Norilsk State Special Regime Camp. In 1956 David Kugultinov was rehabilitated and restored in the KPSU and the Writers’ Council of USSR. In 1957 as a member of the initiative group he took an active part in the restoration of the Kalmyk Autonomy. In 1960 he graduated externally from the Gorky Literature Institution with distinction.

David Nikitich Kugultinov is an author of more than 80 books. In 1967 he was awarded with the Gorki State Prize of the Russian Federation for the book “I’m of the same age as you”, in 1976 for the book “April Call” he received the USSR State Award.

The prominent poet of the present reflected in his creative work important social and moral problems of the era. Wherever his poems are recited, they are, like songs of sorrow and joy, understandable and close for everybody. The planet 2296 named “Kugultinov” has a sign of the big Russian poetry in the Universe.

David Kugultinov was taking an active part in the social and political life of the country and the Republic. For the merits to the country he was awarded by the Orders of Lenin, Labor Red Banner, People’s Friendship, Patriotic War of the second degree, the Golden Medal of the Hero of the Socialist Labor, the Order “For the merits to the Motherland” of the 3d degree.

adăugat: 2006-11-07 19:12:21