romanian Boţu Pavel (scriitor, preşedinte al Uniunii Scriitorilor din Moldova(1965-1987))
english Botu Pavel (writer, chairman of Writers Union of Moldavian SSR(1965-1987)) translated by: Ţurcan Nicu - nepotul lui A.Lupan
russian Боцу Павел (писатель, председатель СП Молдовы(1965-1987))

Botu Pavel - writer, chairman of Writers Union of Moldavian SSR(1965-1987)
Botu Pavel (born. 14.7.1933, Cheamashir, Odessa area - 17.2.1987), poet. Has ended pedagogical institute from Chisinau in 1956. In 1959 appears the first collection of poetry "The native place", then collections of poetry - “Belief”(1963), “Continents” (1966), “Verses”(1967), “Panoply”(1968). Later his poetry get more philosophic and meditative. Collections “Zodiac”(1971), “House in Bugeac”(1973), “Pyres”(1975), “Clock”(1978), “Pledge”(1981), “Selected works”(1983), Verb (1985), Poems(1986) are one of the most remarkable achievements in the romanian poetry of the former Moldavian SSR. Has translated poetry of Majakovski, S.Marshak, etc. Acts as the critic and the publicist. For his poetry the energy and rich lexicon are characteristic. Chairman of Writers Union of Moldavian SSR (from 1965), the secretary in the Board of Writers Union of USSR (from 1967).
completat: 2006-06-14 08:32:03